9 Jul 2018

FTISLAND K-Wave 3 Fan Support Project In Malaysia

FTISLAND K-Wave 3 Fan Support Project In Malaysia

Hello dear Primadonnas! How is everyone doing?! We hope everything is going well for you! It feels so long since we did our fan-support project for FTISLAND right, but fret not, we have an exciting news for you! Are you ready for this Pris? :)

Recently, it has been announced that FT ISLAND, together with the other artists - EXID, MONSTA X, Jeong Sewoon, WJSN, AOA and Boyfriend will be coming to Malaysia for a one day music festival, and we are given the chance to do the fan project in support of MacpiePro for the K-Wave Music Festival happening on August 18, 2018, 8:00 PM at Stadium Malawati, Malaysia!

Anyone from Singapore attending this event? Let us know!

Project Details

1. Big Banner

Macpiepro has suggested for us to print a big banner to be held in the stadium throughout the whole concert. 5TISLANDSG would like to use this chance to print a general one so that we can use it for our future events!

2. Birthday Cake

Seunghyun’s birthday falls on 21 August, which is close to K-wave’s concert day. 5TISLANDSG would like to cater a birthday cake and sweet desserts for backstage celebration and consumption. No food support will be planned this time as organiser has food catering planned for all artistes.

3. Flower Stand

Traditionally, Korean fandoms send ‘rice wreaths’ or flower stands to celebrity’s events to show support for idols and their backstage staff. 5TISLANDSG would like to do the same for K-wave 3 too. Name list of donors will be attached to the flower stand. Only people who donated under 5TISLANDSG directly will have their names on it.

4. Wristband lightstick & Handheld Banners

Yellow light wristbands & banners will be distributed to all fans on a first come first served basis. The wristband will be worn throughout the whole concert, as per fans’ liking. This is to allow fans to create a yellow sea, while going hands-free during the concert. Standing pen ticket holders and donors will be given priority for the wristband lightsticks distribution.

For this project to be a success not only for our boys and Pris, we are in need of your help and support! 

How To Participate

1. Donate

Please do take note that we DO NOT REQUIRE any specific amount for you to be able to participate in this project! It will be great if you can donate minimum 5 SGD. International fans, attending or not, are welcomed. Drop us an email/message if you are unsure!

DONATION DEADLINE: July 21, 2018, 23:59 PM

Donation method

Bank Transfer (ibanking/atm) - POSB SAVINGS 200-69106-7
PayNow! - 92324149
Paypal - 5tislandsg@gmail.com (for international fans only, take note of paypal fees)

Send a screenshot of transaction and email to 5tislandsg@gmail.com in the following format:

NAME: (to be displayed on flowerstand)
Amount Donated:
Phone Number:

Your donation is verified only after a confirmation email is received. Please give us 3 working days to process your donation.

2. Spread the word

You can still do your part by telling all Primadonnas about this exciting fansupport project!

We are looking forward to working again with you dear Primadonnas, all for the love and support of FT ISLAND! ! We hope to see you there!


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